Monday, January 02, 2006


a new challenges lie ahead...we must not give up...we must be determined only can we overcome our obstacles...BLEAHS!so saw quite a few peeps blog down wat they did in yr 2005..i think i shall do the same goes:

-enrolled into tpjc via PAE
-joined seasports club
-rep tpjc for SDBA kayaking competition..and lost..haha
-quite disappointed when i saw my O lv result
-cont'd staying in tpjc via JAE
-OGL for 2nd orientation...sians!
-quit seasports club
-joined odac
-2nd runner up for bowling comp
-1st for seasports carnival
-runner up team for bowling comp
-bought my beloved bike!
-got triple Fs for common test
-odac exco
-got E,E,F for my promos
-picked up blading
-bought new phone
-went teman negrah with odac
-white water rafted
-rapid shooting
-sat train for the 1st time
-slept outside raffles mrt
-discovered many wonderful places
-bought mp3 player
-fell in love
-got together with her
-spent memorable xmas and new year eve
-saw the most beautiful fireworks i've ever seen
-slept outside mustafa
-bought my 2nd beloved bike!
-gautam left spore =(

there might be some other events that i missed thing that wasnt nice about the year was my result...they totally suck..budden again...for the amt of effort i put in i guess this is the most i can get...and throughout the year i made many new friends...but at the same time kept in contact with old ones too =]

new year resolutions for year 2006:

-study hard & smart
-train hard & smart

wishlist for 2006:

-world peace
-do V well for A levels
-take part in more competitons and hopefully win some
-find ways to get some spare cash
-explore and discover more interesting and exciting places
-let everyone be happy

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