Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It has been a year of ups and downs(like all the years have been.duh!)
it's the year of which i spent ALL 365days being bonded to our decisive force.
looking back,i must say i'm damn proud of myself for my achievements for the year of 08.i shall leave all the recollections for 40 days later =P

well,i've tried many new stuff both bad and good this year,gaining valuable experiences along the way *tears* LOL

i'm not really a resolutions kinda person,i feel that your long term personal goals are more important,so i'm not gonna come up with a whole long list of how i'm gonna be a better person in the year of 2009.that's just bull shit

strangely,the first part of the day felt like chinese new year eve to me rather than ang moh new year eve.hmm..maybe it's because of the half day and celebrations my camp had.haha

i really want to say a big thank you to all my friends who stood by me throughout the whole guys know who you are,you all rock! =]

well, this will be the last post for the we usher in 2009(i cant wait.wahaha) and the grey unkown challenges ( and freedom!) ahead,let's take a minute and reflect back on the past 1 year.till then,adios.

p.s. i'm glad to say my chiong sua days are more or less over.woohoo

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