Sunday, July 23, 2006

23 july 2006

2 nites.2 very tired!

The Z pop charity concert wasnt too bad..but i dun think it would be worth the original price it is priced since we got it free we might as well go =D
i wished they had invited artist like jay chou or david tao..LOL

anyways being inside of the indoor stadium again reminds me of the time when we were training for NDP 2003..the stadium was our resting/dining area...all the memories jus flashed back..haha..nothing much changed since..

the sch CO concert was more value for money...i think it's DUH la..considering it's priced at only $ watching them perform also reminds me of the time when i was in pri sch and playing for my sch CO..wahahaha

tmr is the day! we are goin to win medals! =D
common S15 we can do it!

suddenly i feel very lost..sigh
must be the hot weather

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